Episode 14 of Basketball Wives LA season 5 featured the infamous fight between DJ Duffey and Tami Roman. Fans of the reality series were upset after seeing Tami put her body in danger when she might be pregnant. Tami most likely wasn’t pregnant while she was fighting Duffey. Her most recent Instagram pic reveals that she does not have a baby bump:
Hope you enjoyed the episode #BBWLA see you at the reunion 😘😘😘 @ashbury_and_eighth
In Jay-Z and Young Jeezy’s words, Tami Roman is As Real As It Gets. Wetpaint explains that she recently revealed that she had butt enhancement surgery on an episode of her infamous “Bonnet Chronicles.” On the first episode of Basketball Wives LA season 5 the diva explains that her and her handsome boyfriend, Reggie Youngblood, are attempting to have a child.
Her most recent Instagram pic shows her sporting Beyonce’s Ivy Park. She doesn’t look pregnant but we’re praying that her and Reggie will be able to have a healthy baby soon! Tami is a great mother as she proves on the show.
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Is Tami From Basketball Wives Pregnant? |
repost from @officialbonnetchronicles #bonnetchronicles 💯💯💯 #imOnABudgetBih #RollsHead #AintNoDamnArtifactHo #BitchImWalkkkkking #VintageBih #FuckYouMean #IBuyMyShitToWearIt #DontYou #MyBillsPaid #TuitionPaid #ThatsImportant #NotMyShoes #NotMyClothes #NotMyHandbags #GetIntoIt #instarepost20 BONNET: @ashbury_and_eighth
#BonnetChronicles follow @officialbonnetchronicles #PressedLikeAPanini #YouDontKnowThisNgga #StopIt #SaveYourPussBih #CheddarBay #DoHeWashHisAssOrNah #LetTheShitPlayOut #Damn #WhoYouTrynaImpress #GTFOH #YouNotProfoundHoe #WaitingOnWeek6Like Suggested by: @_beauty_full
8. When she’s speaking the truth.
#BonnetChronicles Oh Lord, I wasn’t even gonna do a chronicle today…but…somebody might be mad at this one. I don’t care follow @officialbonnetchronicles #StayWoke 💯 #StopDisrespectingEachOther #ThatsWhatTheyWantUsToDo #WeWorriedHowOthersTreatUs #LookHowWE #TreatUS #IWishIHadMoreThanAMinute #WeCouldReallyGetIntoThis Bonnet: @blb_bonnieloveboutique
#bonnetchronicles @officialbonnetchronicles #Hallelu #WeezeTogether #WerkBish #YouWannaBelieveIt #Howevvvva #UpliftYoDamnself #YouDaBomb #CrabsInaBucket #YouAreYourBackup #GetIntoIt 💯💯#HappySaturday
#BonnetChronicles go follow @officialbonnetchronicles #Wingettes #Sincewhenbih ##WhereTheRestOfTheDamnChicken #whoGotEBT #LetsMakeADeal #ToFuckinDay #IAintShame #FoodHighAF #YoShadeDontMeanShit
#BonnetChronicles #GetTheseHashtags! #GotMeRampedUp #DontQuestionMyPain #ThisAintShadeThisAintTea #ThisAintForAnybody #ThisIsAboutMe! #HowIFeelAboutCommentsMadeToMe #DontWorryBoutWhatTheFkImDoing #BlackMenAllOverTheWorldDying #NoDisrespectToTheLatestVictims #IHurtToo #ImPrayingToo #IChoose2InjectLaughter #TiredOfBeingSad #YouSeeSadnessEnoughOnOtherPages
#BonnetChronicles #ISeeYourSlickAss #YourShitWorksToo #OneSidedAssSelf #ITookABreakFromDatAss #IDidntWantToHearThatSameOleIsh #YouNeededToGetInterestingAgain #IStillLoveYou #WeGood #ImmaFollowYouAgain #LMAO #RealFriends #TMobil #tmobile
#BonnetChronicles This day started off crazy but I had to check myself. Take this into the week with you #BeEncouraged #Had2CheckMyself #AskedForForgiveness #Thankful #ThankYouLord #GodsGotUs
#bonnetchronicles @officialbonnetchronicles #ijs #YouKnowIAintLying #BabyLookLikeET #GrowIntoTheirFace #CuteAintOnlyAdjective #Awwww #TheTruthHurts #SorryNotSorry #thankgodforsmallfavorstho
#BBWLA I loved this fit by @styledbyUdi #MyG #GetIntoIt