Tag: Cookie
Jazmine Hughes as Cookie from Empire
Jazmine Hughes as Cookie from Empire Cookie from Empire costumes were everywhere this past Halloween but for Jazmine Hughes transforming into Cookie happened before Halloween. We all adore Cookie Lyon’s Empire wardrobe and Hughes’ proved it! While some simply dressed like the founder and CEO of Lyon Dynasty to collect candy, Hughes used her Cookie from…
Cookie from Empire Costumes
Cookie from Empire Costumes If you made it out for Halloween you certainly saw plenty Cookie from Empire costumes. Hollywood started early, Cookie’s Empire costume was seen on Steve Higgins in the hilarious Jimmy Fallon Empire parody. Cookie Empire Steve Higgins Gifs Sasheer Zamata rocked her Cookie Lyon Halloween costume back in March for SNL’s Empire parody.…
Taraji Penda Henson: Oxon Hill to the Hollywood Hills
Despite being located minutes away from some of Washington, D.C.’s worst neighborhoods, Oxon Hill has some very unique features. There’s a nursing home and cultural center operated for the city’s Filipino population. Then there’s the fact that Hollywood’s most powerful actress was raised in the city which is much different than Hollywood. Empire’s head diva…
King of Empire’s Jungle?
Empire on Fox Season 2 With only 2 months until Empire’s second season Fox wanted to ensure that we have not forgot. Wednesday, the company released teaser posters for season 2 of everyone’s favorite hip-hop drama. The posters include Lucious, Cookie and two lions. The images made us wonder: Who is the King of Empire…
Empire Cast – Empire Season 1 Soundtrack On The Road
Empire Cast – Empire Season 1 Soundtrack On The Road