Teretha Hollins-Neely – My 600 lb Life Now

Teretha Hollins-Neely continues to work hard to lose weight.  We met her on My 600 lb Life‘s fourth season when she weighed 800 pounds.  She was determined to lose weight to avoid suffering a stroke.  Viewers were surprised to find out that Teretha used to represent a healthy eating program.  Scroll down to see a recent post she shared on Facebook.

Teretha shared the pic below in August of 2017.  It’s great to see her standing on her own.  Prior to her gastric bypass surgery, she was confined to her bed.  Like Liz Evans from season 6 of My 600 lb Life, Teretha was molested as a child.

Teretha Hollins Neely My 600 lb Life Now
Teretha Hollins Neely My 600 lb Life Now

Sadly, Teretha has been dealing with serious knee pain.  Carrying too much weight can do serious damage to your knees.  When you weigh more, you’re putting more force on the cartilage that covers your knees, explaining Teretha’s pain.  In the Facebook post below she explains that she had to see an orthopedic doctor for her right knee.

Teretha’s doctor gave her a shot with a long needle in her right knee.  After the shot, her nurse asked her if she was okay.  In the following post, Teretha reveals her “What do you think?” face:

What do you think about Teretha Hollins-Neely from My 600 lb Life? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.