YNW Melly

YNW Melly Realsed Date: Out Of Jail?

As of November 2024, YNW Melly remains in jail. Despite the mistrial, he is still locked up.

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YNW Melly aka Jamell Maurice Demons will be out of jail and “home soon” according to the rapper’s mom. Scroll down to see a video YNW Melly’s mother recently shared and a document that shows the argument his defense team is using in an attempt to prove his innocence.

YNW Melly’s Mom Says He’ll Be “Home Soon”

In response to rumors that YNW Melly was dead, his mother, Jamie Demons-King shared the following video explaining that her son has not been injured, he’s in great spirits and he’ll be home soon.

YNW Melly’s Lawyers: “There is no DNA…”

The screenshot in the tweet below shows YNW Melly’s defense team’s argument that there is no “murder weapon” nor “witness placing a gun in Mr. Demon’s hands.” Further, “there is no DNA that would implicate Jamell, there is no indication of a motive.


YNW Melly Was Not Stabbed And Is Not Dead

As YNW Melly’s mother explains in the video above, the rapper was not stabbed in jail and he is not dead. Despite being in jail, the Florida rapper managed to release his debut album Melly vs. Melvin on November 22, 2019.

What do you think about YNW being released from jail? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.