Money Affirmations

100 Money Affirmations For Success, Financial Abundance And Wealth “I AM RICH”

“You are a money magnet!”

Don’t just read it, lean into it and repeat these money affirmations on a regular basis to manifest money fast. Use these abundance affirmations to change your conditioning and start managing your finances with a positive mindset.

Picture a future where you are no longer living paycheck to paycheck and have achieved financial freedom. Without further ado, here are some powerful money affirmations you can use to manifest your financial desires:

  1. I am worthy of abundance and wealth.
  2. Money flows to me easily.
  3. I choose to create and receive floods of financial abundance.
  4. I embrace new sources of income.
  5. I can, and will, conquer all my financial goals.
  6. I am worthy of making more money than ever before.
  7. My income is rising rapidly.
  8. Money comes my way in both expected and unexpected ways.
  9. I am a money manifestor.
  10. Wealth and abundance flow to me.
  1. My life is filled with health and wealth.
  2. I am ready to receive more money than ever before.
  3. Prosperity flows to and through me.
  4. I am open to receiving all the wealth that comes my way.
  5. My biggest asset is my ability to earn a living.
  6. I am a money making machine.
  7. Money flows to me effortlessly.
  8. My bank account balance is always increasing.
  9. I deserve to be financially prosperous.
  10. Abundance is my birthright.
  1. I am open to receiving wealth in all its forms.
  2. I attract money with every thought I think.
  3. I am in control of my financial well-being.
  4. I’m financially free and love my life.
  5. I make money in my sleep.
  6. Making money is simple, not complicated.
  7. Attracting money is easy.
  8. I am a money magnet.
  9. I am a money making professional.
  10. I attract money effortlessly and abundantly.
  1. I am worthy of increasing my income.
  2. I am worthy of financial success.
  3. I am a money savvy person.
  4. I release negative financial energy.
  5. I realize unlimited wealth in my life.
  6. Money constantly flows towards me.
  7. I am grateful for the financial abundance that surrounds me.
  8. I have a positive money mindset.
  9. My wealth and success benefit not only me, but those around me as well.
  10. I am in control of my financial destiny, and can create the life of my dreams.
  1. I am smart with my money.
  2. I give generously and receive graciously.
  3. I am a powerful creator and manifester of wealth.
  4. I am confident in my ability to earn and manage wealth.
  5. Financial success is within my reach.
  6. I attract wealth and prosperity with ease.
  7. There are no limits to the amount of money I can make.
  8. Money comes to me in miraculous ways.
  9. I love the feeling of receiving money.
  10. I am attracting money at this moment.
  1. I believe in my ability to conquer my financial challenges.
  2. My thoughts about money are positive and empowering.
  3. I am achieving my financial goals with ease.
  4. I control money, money doesn’t control me.
  5. I evolved from a poverty mentality to a mindset of abundance.
  6. I am grateful for the abundance that I have and the abundance that’s on its way.
  7. I am at peace with having a lot of money.
  8. I believe there is enough money for everyone.
  9. I am generous with my money.
  10. I change the world with my money.
  1. I choose to view my finances without fear.
  2. I release myself from all limitations, my wealth and my growth have no bounds.
  3. I am capable of creating wealth and abundance in my life.
  4. I am always in the right place, at the right time, for financial success.
  5. My financial success is a result of my hard work and determination.
  6. I am now and always will be aligned with the energy of abundance.
  7. I am a magnet for wealth.
  8. I am worthy for all I desire.
  9. I am already rich.
  10. My finances are improving beyond my wildest dreams.
  1. My income exceeds my expenses.
  2. I release all resistance to attracting money.
  3. I am worthy of a positive case flow.
  4. Every dollar I spend and donate, comes back to me multiplied.
  5. I know how to spend money wisely.
  6. I am connected to the universal supply of money.
  7. I am a money generator.
  8. Wealth constantly flows into my life.
  9. Financial abundance is mine, I deserve it. I accept it.
  10. I release all limiting beliefs about money.
  1. My debts are limited, my cash flow is limitless.
  2. I am a capable person and will defeat any financial obstacles that get in my way.
  3. I am open to new opportunities to earn money.
  4. I am establishing a solid financial foundation.
  5. I boldly conquer all my money goals.
  6. I am open and receptive to all the wealth the universe has to offer.
  7. The more I concentrate on happiness, the more money I make.
  8. Money is plentiful, all I have to do is grab it.
  9. I am worthy of unlimited financial abundance.
  10. I am financially free and secure.
  1. Money always picks me.
  2. Money just seems to fall in my lap.
  3. I am deserving of a healthy financial future.
  4. I earn money from multiple sources and attract riches to myself from all directions.
  5. Money is a positive and empowering force in my life.
  6. I have the ability to create wealth and success.
  7. I am truly thankful for the power to manifest money whenever I desire it.
  8. Today, I commit to living my financial dreams.
  9. The more I earn, the more I am able to help others.
  10. I income is constantly expanding, and so is my net worth.
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