Abimbola Abel Osundairo Olabinjo Ola Osundairo Jussie Smollett

Abimbola “Abel” And Olabinjo “Ola” Osundairo Nigerian Brothers Jussie Smollett Hoax

Abimbola “Abel” Osundairo and Olabinjo “Ola” Osundairo are the Nigerian brothers who allegedly helped Jussie Smollett orchestrate an attack against himself. Variety reports that police have evidence that Smollett gave the brothers money to help him carry out the hoax.

One Of The Osundairo Brothers Supplied Jussie Smollett With Drugs

On Empire, Jussie Smollett plays Jamal Lyon. In the show’s recent seasons, Jamal has struggled with a drug addiction. According to police, Jussie may have issues with drugs in real life. AP reports that one of the Osundairo brothers supplied Smollett with “designer drugs.”

Ola Osundairo Appeared On Empire

The brothers are originally from Nigeria yet they played sports in Illinois when they were in high school. According to US Weekly, both Ola and Abel have appeared on Empire.

The following Facebook post shows Ola’s appearance on Empire:

Ola On Abel Osundairo’s YouTube Channel

The Osundairo brothers are serious about acting and Abel has a YouTube channel. He recently posted the following video of Ola. The video shows Ola acting out an interrogation scene. The brothers recent interrogation in relation to the Jussie Smollett attack was reality and the police were able to convince them to flip on Smollett.


The following Instagram post shows that Abel is serious about weight lifting. Maybe that’s why Smollett advised him “not to hurt him too badly” and give him a chance to appear to fight back.

What do you think about Abimbola “Abel” Osundairo and Olabinjo “Ola” Osundairo helping Jussie Smollett stage an attack? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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