Alexandra Suchocki, James Peach: Nurse Fired For Using N-Word

Alexandra Suchocki is the Florida nurse who was fired for sharing a Snapchat pic of herself with the N-word written on her forehead.  Suchocki claims that her husband, James Peach wrote the N-word on her forehead.

The following Facebook post explains that Alexandra is an ICU Registered Nurse:

The image was also shared on Twitter:

James Peach Is A Police Academy Trainee

COED reports that James Peach is a police academy trainee.  In the tweet above, a caption is included that appears to be written by Alexandra.  She suggests that James asked her what she was making for dinner.  She makes a bad joke referencing slavery.

Heavy explains that Alexandra’s Snapchat pic implies that James held her down and wrote the N-word on her forehead.  Alexandra and James both deleted their social media accounts but the image has already been shared on Facebook and Twitter.

That Facebook post below reveals that Suchocki was fired and James is on a scholarship at the Pol County Police Academy.  One Snapchat pic can ruin your life! Be more careful on social media!!

What do you think about Alexandra Suchocki being fired for using the N-word? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.