Anna Paulina Fox News: Compares Hillary Clinton To Herpes

Anna Paulina is the Director of Hispanic Engagement at Turning Point USA.  In the awkward video below, Anna compares Clinton to herpes because “she won’t go away”:

Anna Paulina appeared on Fox News to discuss Hillary’s deleted emails.  The segment was being hosted by Rick Leventhal and political analyst Doug Schoen also appeared on the segment.  Deadline reports that the segment was cut short because of Paulina’s rude comments.

The Daily Caller explains that Paulina started the segment by discussing President Donald Trump and the border.  She mentioned the Act of 1903 and how it federalized the National Guard.

While some were disgusted at Anna’s comments others agreed with her comparison:

The tweet below explains that other networks are hard on Trump so Fox News shouldn’t have to apologize about the comments Anna made about Clinton:

The tweet below claims that Anna said what most of us are thinking:

The following tweet calls out Rick Leventhal because he hasn’t shared a response about Anna’s comments:

Hillary Clinton has bigger fish to fry so she probably doesn’t care about Anna’s comments.  In a recent interview with The Guardian, Clinton proclaims that Europe needs a tougher approach on migration.

What do you think about Anna Paulina’s comments about Hillary Clinton? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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