Biz Markie Dead?


We are sad to report that Biz Markie died on July 16, 2021. He was 57-years-old.

Biz Markie is not dead, he is alive.  The rapper’s recent appearance on Empire led an old rumor to resurface.  Back in 2012 a YouTube video titled “Breaking News Biz Markie Found Dead!” was posted and shared on the Internet.  Once you watch the video you realize that the rumor is a complete lie.


The rapper showed up at Cookie Lyon’s house in Empire‘s “Sin That Amends” episode.  Lucious is trying to get Cookie back and he knows how much she loves Markie’s song, “Just A Friend.” Lucious was actually performing the song on the corner when him and Cookie met for the first time.  Although Cookie is flattered, she has no intentions on getting back with Lucious.

Biz Markie Dead?
Biz Markie Dead?

Cookie is out for revenge after seeing Lucious marry Anika.  Lucious decided to marry Anika to avoid prison but Cookie can care less.  Cookie is well aware that Anika was more than just a friend while she was stuck in jail.  Lucious’ gestures were charming but as Cookie explains, she has money and could have bought all the items herself.

While Loretha gave back most of the gifts, she decided to keep the gold gun that Lucious gave her.  Cookie is from the streets and if Lucious keeps trying, he might find the right heart string that convinces her to give him another chance.