Brittany McNurlin Catholic University

Brittany McNurlin Vs. Juan-Pablo Gonzalez: Catholic University Library Incident

Brittany McNurlin is a law student at Catholic University of America.  She also works at the school’s library.  The Root reports that McNurlin called the cops on Juan-Pablo Gonzalez, a black Catholic University student who was granted access to the library.

Juan-Pablo Gonzalez Was Given Permission To Use The Library

Juan was given permission to use the library yet McNurlin called the cops.  When the campus police arrive at the scene, they asked Juan for his identification.  The video above shows Gonzalez call out Brittany for calling the cops.

Juan explains that we live in a time when calling the police on a person of color could put their life in danger.  He asks Brittany why his actions warranted the police and she fails to provide a sufficient answer.

Juan-Pablo Gonzalez Was Asked To Leave The Library

Heavy explains that Gonzalez is a masters degree student, explaining why he has access to the law library.  The tweet below explains that Juan-Pablo was asked to leave the library despite being granted permission to use the building:

Brittany is being dragged on social media.  She recently deleted her LinkedIn page which revealed that she worked at the Public Defender’s office:

What do you think about the situation involving Brittany McNurlin and Juan-Pablo Gonzalez? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.