Crenshanda Williams is the 911 operator who was sentenced to 10 days in jail for hanging up on emergency calls. Her Facebook page reveals that she graduated from Forest Brook High School in 1991. The school is located in Houston, Texas where Williams was a 911 operator.

Crenshanda Williams Facebook
Williams hasn’t shared a new Facebook post since 2012. In the post above, Crenshanda praises God and explains that he can do anything but fail.
Williams should be praying for God’s forgiveness. She hung up on people in desperate need for help including a woman who was unconscious and a robbery in progress.
In 2010, Williams shared the following Facebook post:
Twitter Reacts To Crenshanda Williams
People were surprised to find out that Crenshanda was only sentenced to 10 days in jail. The Twitter reactions are unbelievable, as usual.
Williams court documents revealed that she told one caller, “Ain’t nobody got time for this.” The caller was attempting to report two cars that were speeding. Numerous people died on the same road, so the caller thought it was important to document the incident.
“Can you hear me now?”
Williams had people’s lives in her hands and this is how she responded:
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