
Ralo Affidavit

Ralo’s affidavit:

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Ralo Is The Leader Of Famerica

The affidavit explains that Ralo is the leader of Famerica, a criminal street gang.  Fader explains that the rapper recently launched Famerica Records.  The affidavit says that members of the gang call themselves “Famgoon.”

Ralo Was Seen Transferring 37 White Packages

On December 22, 2017, members of the ATF, FBI and Georgia State Patrol witnessed 2 black vans waiting for Ralo’s private jet.  After the plane parked they saw Ralo and members of his gang transfer 37 packages wrapped in white holiday paper from the plane to the vans.

XXL reports that the Ralo was arrested on April 15, 2018 and is still in custody.  The rapper is constantly sharing his street smarts on social media so I don’t know why he would try to transport more than $1 million worth of marijuana.


Ralo teaches us that it’s not smart to taunt the police.  NWA tried a similar approach and also had to deal with numerous unnecessary headaches.

The Source explains that the rapper’s apartment complex was raided by the FBI.  Ralo made millions in the streets when he was younger and wasted most of it.  I hope the rapper has been saving his recent earnings because this will be an expensive case.

What do you think about Ralo’s affidavit? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.