‘Empire’ Season 2, Episode 13: Decoding The Trailer

Ding dong, Camilla’s dead! But what does this mean for the Lyon family, which has been restored to power in Empire? Well, you know the family dynamics are still far from perfect. And the trailer for Wednesday night’s episode of Empire “The Tameness of the Wolf” sure does show it. Let’s try to decode it below:

  • Lucious is proud of Hakeem for “killing Camilla,” but Hakeem seems to have tremendous guilt about it.
  • It’s Cookie’s birthday! It’s going down, she’s yelling timber…or actually, just requesting a nice family birthday dinner with no drama. You know that means there’s going to be drama.
  • Tiana is pissed that Laura keeps cutting into her screentime, I mean, set on tour. So a rumor hits the tabloids that Tiana wants to leave because of Laura.
  • Jamal calls Hakeem on his liasons with his artists, but Hakeem thinks it’s all part of being a mogul. Oh Hakeem.
  • Uh oh…Jamal tells Cookie that she’s falling for Lucious once again. Cookie confesses that their relationship runs deep. She wants him to tell his whole story…including about his mom.
Sounds like a juicy episode to catch on Wednesday!