Hairspray Live Snapchat Name

Scroll to the Snapcode for Hairspray Live’s Snapchat name!

On Thanksgiving Day during the Macy’s Parade, NBC will air a commercial that will include a Snapcode that can be scanned to unlock a Hairspray lens.  The cast of the live musical will perform at the 90th annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade.  The cast includes Ariana Grande, Jennifer Hudson, Derek Hough, Maddie Ballio and more!

Don’t miss the musical which airs on December 7, 2017! Until then, make sure you’re following their social media accounts.

Hairspray Live’s Snapchat name is HairsprayLive:

Hairspray Live Snapchat Name

It’s great to see traditional media being used to promote new media.  While the television is receiving less of our attention these days, we can’t stay off our phones.  Last year over 20 million people watched the Macy’s Parade on NBC so Hairspray chose a great time to air the commercial.

If you watch live events on television like me, you may miss the commercial.  I pause live events during the first 15 minutes so that I can fast forward through the commercials.  Similar to many viewers, if I were to see a Snapcode while fast forwarding I would replay the commercial.  Although social media dominates our lives social media companies don’t make many commercials.

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