Jamel Myles Leia Pierce 9-Year-Old Commits Suicide

Jamel Myles Mother Leia Pierce, 9-Year-Old Commits Suicide

Jamel Myles is the 9-year-old who committed suicide because of anti-gay bullying.  His mother, Leia Pierce explains that she found Jamel dead in her house on Thursday.

Jamel Told Classmates He Was Gay

Jamel Myles 9-Year-Old Commits Suicide

BBC reports that Jamel attended Joe Shoemaker Elementary School in Denver, Colorado.  He started 4th grade on Monday, a few weeks after he told his mom he was gay.  Jamel told his mom that he would tell his classmates he was gay because he’s proud of himself.

Pierce says that she found her son dead in her house on Thursday.  She believes that he was bullied.  Pierce’s daughter says that Jamel’s classmates told him to kill himself.

Jamel’s Mother Wants To Spread Awareness About The Effects Of Bullying

In the video below, Leia Pierce explains that she wants to spread awareness about the negative effects of bullying.  She holds both children and parents accountable.  Most 4th graders understand that bullying is wrong but parents should be held accountable for failing to teach their kids the importance of respect.

RIP Jamel Myles

Jamel Myles is gone but not forgotten.  Twitter users are sharing heartfelt messages about the 9-year-old.

The tweet above explains that Leia Pierce did everything she could to let Jamel know that she still loved him.  Sadly, Leia’s actions weren’t enough.  Homophobic bullying must stop.  Please teach your kids the difference between right and wrong.

RIP Jamel Myles 🙏🏾


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