Jay Bowdy Death – Suicide, Facebook, Actor, Video

Actor, Jay Bowdy has died.  On January 23, 2017, the actor committed suicide in a Facebook Live video.  The tragedy reminds us how important it is to listen when people cry out.  People with suicidal thoughts usually do something to let their loved ones know their intentions before they act.  If you know someone contemplating suicide, you must listen to their full story.

Letting a person know that you care enough to listen can help the individual escape depression.  To help the person survive, you must be willing to speak openly about their suicidal thoughts.  People who try to kill themselves are generally not insane.  There’s often nothing wrong with the person mentally, instead the individual could be grief-stricken or depressed.

If you’re thinking about committing suicide call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Jay Bowdy Death Suicide Facebook Actor Video

Frederick Jay Bowdy was born on August 26, 1983 in San Antonio, TX.  He attended Trimble Tech High School in Fort Worth, TX.

Jay Bowdy Death Suicide Facebook Actor Video
Jay Bowdy Death Suicide Facebook Actor Video

In the video at the end of this post, Bowdy explains that he had his first child when he was 18-years-old.

Jay was very proud to obtain his Master’s degree.  He was the first person on his father’s side to earn a college degree.

Jay got married when he was 25-years-old.  Him and his wife welcomed four children together.  He also had two kids from a previous relationship.

People don’t cry out because they’re weak.  They cry out because they’ve been strong for too long.  Listen.