John Hill Jr. – Boonk Dead?

The rumor that John Hill Jr. aka Boonk is dead is false.  Boonk recently ended up in jail after stealing doughnuts from the Dunkin’ Donuts in Miami Gardens.  Scroll to the end of this article to hear his song “Mutton.” The doughnut tray was worth $38 total.  John stole them to create a video he could share on social media.

Boonk teaches us that “I was doing it for social media” is not a valid excuse after committing a crime.   If it was everyone would use the excuse after getting caught doing a crime.  Some consider Hill, who is currently 20-years-old, a marketing genius while others think he’s an idiot.  Richard Branson teaches us that you have to do something crazy to get attention but Boonk will end up in jail before he gets famous.

John Hill Jr. Boonk Dead?

The tweet below explains that Boonk deserves life in prison.  There’s nothing worst than telling on yourself and that’s exactly what John’s Instagram account does.  If he doesn’t calm down I could definitely see him doing some serious jail time.  He may consider the videos a joke but there are young kids that watch them and imitate him.

Listen to Boonk’s track “Muttin”:

Are you a fan of John Hill Jr. aka Boonk? Did you panic when you heard the rumor that he was dead? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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