Karen Monahan

Karen Monahan Sierra Club, Keith Ellison’s Ex-Girlfriend

Karen Monahan is Keith Ellison’s ex-girlfriend.  IJR reports that Monahan has accused Ellison of domestic violence.  Monahan’s son, Austin Aslim Monahan broke the news via Facebook.

The Daily Caller explains that Monahan is a Sierra Club activist.  Ellison admits that they were previously in a relationship but denies any wrongdoing.

Karen Monahan Keith Ellison
Karen Monahan Keith Ellison

The following pic shows Karen and Keith at The White House alongside Barack and Michelle Obama:

Karen Monahan Keith Ellison Barack Michelle Obama
Karen Monahan Keith Ellison Barack Michelle Obama

Keith Ellison is a politician and lawyer who recently announced that he would run for Minnesota Attorney General.  This news could ruin his chances.  Keith’s ex-wife, Kim released a statement explaining that the behavior Monahan describes does not match the character of the “Keith I know.”

Monahan shared the following tweet, confirming her son’s claims:

The tweet below explains that Monahan never intended to share her story with the world.  If it wasn’t for her son discovering the video on her computer, this would still be a secret.

It’s difficult to believe that Monahan’s son would make up a lie about finding a video that shows his mother being dragged and verbally abused.  If Keith Ellison continues to deny these allegations Monahan may feel forced to release the video.

What do you think about Karen Monahan’s accusations? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
