Kenneth White – Killed By Rock Thrown From Overpass

Kenneth White is the 32-year-old man who was killed after a rock smashed through his windshield.  Five Michigan teens have been charged with second-degree murder after being accused of throwing the rock from an overpass.  Heavy reports that Kenneth was on his way home from work when the vehicle he was in was struck by the rock.

The teens are 15 to 17-years-old and are being charged as adults.  County Prosecutor David Leyton explained that he didn’t think this was a deliberate attempt to murder someone.  When you make mistakes like this, you are forced to live with the results of your actions.  If they wouldn’t have thrown the rock, Kenneth would still be alive.

Kenneth White

This story reminds us how important it is to teach our children the difference between right and wrong.  The teens will most likely argue that they were just having fun and didn’t consider outcome of their actions.  This excuse cannot be excepted in a case like this.  There are some actions that are inexcusable.

Teens Charged With Throwing Rocks, Kenneth White
Kenneth leaves behind four children because these teens decided to throw rocks at cars.  Please donate to Kenneth’s Go Fund Me account:

What do you think about Kenneth White’s death? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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