Latina Verneta Herring – Allen Dion Cashe Murder Victim

Latina Verneta Herring is the woman who was killed by her boyfriend, Allen Dion Cashe.  The video at the end of this article shows police responding to Herring’s 911 call 3 hours before she was murdered.  Cashe also murdered Herring’s son and four additional members of her family.  Keep reading for additional information.

The shooting began with an argument over keys

The body camera video at the end of this article shows Latina and Allen arguing over keys.  Latina tells Allen to hand over her house keys.  Allen claims that he doesn’t have Latina’s house keys.  He explains that she returned from the club drunk.  Allen says that Latina has his keys.  Police are confused and don’t know what to do.

Latina Verneta Herring Allen Dion Cashe

Police told Latina to stop calling 911

Sanford, Florida police were called to Wawa at 3:20 AM.  Twenty minutes later, the police were called to the couple’s residence.  Police were fed up.  You can hear an officer explaining that Latina is making false accusations.  The police didn’t take Herring’s concerns seriously and now she’s gone.  If the police would have responded differently, Herring would still be alive.

Police claim that the couple was just arguing.  They described it as a civil matter since it was not physical.

Allen Dion Cashe

Allen Cashe used his AK-47 to kill Latina and her son

Herring tells the police that Cashe has a gun.  Officers are heard explaining that Cashe actually didn’t have a gun.  The police officers that responded to the incident failed to search Cashe’s residence and vehicle to determine if Latina’s claims were true.  Cashe used his AK-47 to kill Herring and her 8-year-old son.  He also tried to kill her 7-year-old son, her father and two other bystanders.
What do you think about this incident? Should the police officers lose their jobs? What could they have done differently? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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