Lawrence Parker – Roc Nation, Wedding

Daily Mail reports that Lawrence “Law” Parker of Roc Nation recently got married to Dr. Jessica Clemons.  The picture below shows the couple with Jay Z, Beyonce and Blue Ivy.  This isn’t the first time Beyonce brought Blue Ivy to a wedding.  They were recently spotted at Todd Tourso’s wedding.

The wedding took place in New Orleans.  The “Formation” video made Louisiana Beyonce’s home away from home.  Lawrence Parker is the founder and CEO of Supreme Street, Jay Electronica’s record label.  His new wife, Dr. Jessica Clemons, is a psychiatry resident at NYU Langone Medical Center.

Lawrence Parker Roc Nation Wedding

Lawrence and Jessica’s reception was held at Musical Legends Park.  The Carters understand the power of love, explaining why they have been attending so many weddings.  It’s hard to believe that Jay and Bey have been married for more than 9 years.  They have been through numerous ups and downs but they are still together.

Lawrence Parker founded Supreme Street in 2007.  He has been producing hit records for more than 20 years and he owns Traffic Boutique, a clothing store in Louisiana.  His resume explains how he earned himself a spot on the Roc Nation roster.  Jay Z understands the importance of surrounding yourself with greatness.

What do you think about Lawrence Parker’s wedding? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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