Meek Mill Jumps Safaree (Video)

Safaree Samuels got jumped by Meek Mill’s crew.  In the video at the end of this article, Safaree explains that he got out of his car, saw Meek Mill and then someone punched him.  Safaree calls Meek weak because he got his friends to handle his dirty work.  I think Meek Mill is smart considering his criminal record.

Nicki Minaj is somewhere laughing right now.  As you know, she dated both Meek and Safaree.  Some say Nicki wouldn’t be successful without Safaree’s help early in her career.  Safaree wrote her rhymes and produced many of her records.  When Nicki was with Meek her career was at a standstill.  It’s great to see her creating music again.

Meek Mill Jumps Safaree

The following tweet calls Meek out for picking his battles.  While his crew didn’t hesitate to pull up on Safaree, what happened when Drake was throwing shots? Meek and crew have had a countless number of opportunities to jump Drake but it looks like they know not to touch the Toronto rapper.

The hilarious tweet below shows how Meek tracked Safaree down.  Safaree better stay off of social media!

What do you think about Meek Mill jumping Safaree Samuels? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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