Mimi on Empire

Mimi on Empire

Mimi on Empire is played by actress Marisa Tomei.  Mimi teaches us that we must never become complacent in a world where everyone is trying to get a piece of the pie.

Mimi Whiteman’s Empire takeover was planned by Camilla Marks, played by Naomi Campbell.  Camilla has returned for her former lover, Hakeem Lyon who is currently in love with Laura Calleros, played by Jamila Velazquez.

Cookie established a relationship with Mimi Whiteman, Empire Entertainment’s Chairman of the Board.  In the show’s Season 2 premiere Mimi immediately began playing the Lyon family like it was her job.

Cookie Mimi Empire Fox
Cookie Mimi Empire Fox

Cookie tried to takeover Empire Entertainment with Mimi’s financial assistance but she then found out that Lucious was one step ahead of her.  Lucious, Mimi and Jamal join forces and are able to maintain control of the Empire.

Marisa Tomei
Some may not recognize Marisa Tomei yet the amazing actress has been working very hard for the past three decades.  Born in Brooklyn, NY, Tomei’s mother and father are both Italian.  Her parents loved Broadway shows inspiring Tomei to pursue a career as an actress.

Marisa Tomei A Different World

In 1987 Tomei landed a role on ‘The Cosby Show’ spinoff ‘A Different World’.  Marisa Tomei’s ‘A Different World’ character was Maggie Lauten, Jaleesa and Denise’s roommate in college.

Marisa Tomei A Different World
Marisa Tomei A Different World

Marisa Tomei Movies

Marisa Tomei’s movies prove that life is full of ups and downs.  Without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.  Tomei’s role in the 1992 film ‘My Cousin Vinny‘ earned her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress’.  
Tomei followed her Oscar win with over 10-years of average movie roles that failed to display her full potential.  Tomei’s 2008 film, ‘The Wrestler’ forced the Academy to salute the actress again.
The Oscar-winning actress is also known for her roles in ‘Love Is Srange’, ‘In The Bedroom’ and ‘Wild Hogs’.  Similar to Mimi, Tomei has built an Empire of her own.
Mimi Whiteman, the lesbian finance tycoon, entered the Lyon’s den and took over.  Mimi was able to use her wisdom, experience and sophistication to defeat Lucious at his own game.
Mimi Whiteman Empire
Mimi Whiteman Empire