Sean Taylor’s “wife” was Jackie Garcia Haley (Jacqueline Mofett). They weren’t married but she’s the mother of his baby. The following pic shows Garcia with her and Sean’s daughter whose name is also Jackie.

Sean Taylor is making headlines thanks to the announcement that he’ll be inducted into the Miami Hurricanes Ring of Honor. The former Washington Redskins star was murdered in 2007 during a home burglary. At the time of his death, Taylor was one of the most talented players in the NFL.
Keep reading for more information about Sean’s longtime girlfriend and daughter.
Jackie Garcia Is Married To Shay Haley Of N.E.R.D

In 2010, Jackie married Shay Haley of N.E.R.D. Haley provides the band’s production yet he is not as popular as Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo.
Andy Garcia Is Jackie’s Uncle
Sean Taylor and Shay Haley aren’t Jackie Garcia’s only connections to fame. Actor Andy Garcia is Jackie’s uncle. The following pic shows Andy at Sean Taylor’s funeral.

Sean Taylor’s Killer Wants Sentence Reduced
The Miami Herald reports that Eric Rivera, the gunman who killed Taylor recently attempted to get his 57-year jail sentence reduced. Rivera was 17 when he killed Taylor and he was convicted of second degree murder.
Jackie Garcia and their daughter were home when Rivera shot Taylor. Sean and Jackie’s daughter was only 18-months-old and Sean was 24. Rivera argued that the murder was a mistake but a judge denied his request and upheld his sentence.
What is your favorite Sean Taylor memory? Let us know in the comment section below.