What Is Direct On Facebook? – Your Story, Launches Snapchat

What is “Direct” on Facebook? It’s a new feature that’s very similar to Snapchat Stories.  Direct aka “Your Story” allows users to post photos and videos that disappear after a day.  Facebook launches another Snapchat clone.  Evan Spiegel will soon wish that he sold the company to Mark Zuckerberg.  This post will outline some of Facebook’s other Snapchat clones.

When you share photos or videos using Direct, recipients can only view the post once before it disappears.  If that sounds familiar it’s because it’s the same exact feature Snapchat used to gain popularity.  Facebook’s new Camera Effects and Stories will soon make the app look very similar to Snapchat.

What Is Direct On Facebook? Your Story Launches Snapchat

Instagram’s CEO admits they copied Snapchat Stories

In 2012, Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion.

Instagram’s CEO, Kevin Systrom, admits that Snapchat deserves all the credit for Instagram Stories.  Brands love Instagram, making the platform more powerful than Snapchat.  Since IG launched Stories, Snapchat usage has declined.  Instagram has all the features Snapchat offers, and more.  Now, Facebook has all the features Snapchat offers, and more.

Facebook Messenger Day: Another Snapchat clone

Earlier this month, Facebook introduced its Messenger Day feature to the company’s Messenger app.  Just like Snapchat Stories, Messenger Day enables users to upload photos and videos that disappear in 24 hours.  Last year, Messenger surpassed 1 billion monthly users and it looks like that number will continue to increase.

Facebook gives WhatsApp the Snapchat treatment

In 2014, Facebook bought WhatsApp for $19.3 billion.  Last month, the Status feature was added to WhatsApp.  You guess it: The Status feature is another Snapchat clone.  The feature allows users to update their Status by uploading photos or videos that disappear in a day.  Facebook won’t stop until Snapchat gives up!

What do you think about Facebook’s new Direct feature? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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