What Is Green BFF Facebook Comment?

What Is Green BFF Comment On Facebook? Meaning

The Facebook post that claims you can check the security of your account by typing “BFF” into the comment section is false.  The status update claims that if your comment doesn’t turn green then your account is not safe.  The rumor is false.

What Is Green BFF Facebook Comment?

Did Mark Zuckerberg Invent The Word BFF To Make Sure Your Facebook Account Is Safe?

The Facebook message claims that Mark Zuckerberg created the word “BFF” to make sure your Facebook account is safe.  As explained above, the claim is false.  Please don’t panic if you type “BFF” into a comment section and it doesn’t turn green.

Facebook Text Delight Animations

Facebook Text Animations

Animations are displayed when you type certain words into Facebook.  The pic above shows the word “rad” turning pink after it is shared in a Facebook status update.  The following screenshot shows some of the other words that change colors when shared on Facebook:

Facebook Text Animations

Funny Reactions To Facebook Green BFF Comment Hoax

Check out some of the funniest reactions to the Facebook green BFF comment hoax:

For those who thought Zuckerberg was their BFF:

The tweet below explains that Zuckerberg has more serious issues to worry about, including the data leaks that were used to influence the election.

Mark Zuckerberg Discusses #DeleteFacebook

Facebook has enjoyed massive success in the last few decades.  The initial attention Snapchat received was impressive at first but Facebook used Instagram to prove that it has the assets it needs to continue its dominance of the social media industry.

The #DeleteFacebook campaign arose as a result of the Cambridge Analytica controversy.  Cambridge Analytica used personal information from millions of Facebook users to help Donald Trump win the 2016 presidential election.

How much have you been using Facebook lately? Let us know in the comment section below.

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