Who Is Samantha Wallace Father? – #LHHNY Question Of The Year

Who is Samantha Wallace’s father? Everyone who watches Love and Hip Hop New York wants to know the answer to this question.  We have searched the Internet for clues but haven’t been able to find any information.  While we know Kim Wallace is Samantha’s mother, we’re looking for details about the identity of Samantha’s father.

Love and Hip Hop New York fans around the world are losing sleep over this one.  If you have any information to help us determine the identity of Samantha’s father, please let us know in the comment section below.  Check out the following tweets to see just how many #LHHNY fans are struggling with this question.

Who Is Samantha Wallace Father?
Who Is Samantha Wallace Father?

The following tweet provides a perfect summary for this post.

I can’t watch a scene with Samantha and Kim without thinking about who Samantha’s father could possibly be.  Michael Jackson?

The following tweet explains that many #LHHNY fans would like to know the identity of Sam’s father to find out who had sexual relations with Kim!

Kim is definitely one of the most ridiculous characters on the reality series.

The tweet below explains that we would all like to know more about Samantha’s life before Love and Hip Hop New York.  We do know that Kim gave birth to Sam when she was 15-years-old.

Did anyone else notice Sam refer to her mother as “Kim”?

The tweet below is pure comedy!

Don’t miss the next episode of Love and Hip Hop New York!