Tariq From Power, Michael Rainey Jr.

In Power‘s “Trust Me” episode Kaman, 50 Cent’s character, almost murders James “Ghost” St. Patrick’s son, Tariq.  Luckily, Tariq explains how much he hates his dad before Kaman can put a bullet in his head.  Hidden Remote explains that actor Michael Rainey, Jr. plays Tariq in the Starz series.

The talented 15-year-old is best known for his roles in Barbershop: The Final Cut, Orange Is The New Black and Lee Daniels’ The Butler.  According to TV Guide Kanan kidnaps Tariq and offers the teenager some lean from his styrofoam cup.  Before picking him up at school, Kanan makes Dre (Rotimi Akinosho) introduce him to Tariq.

Tariq From Power Michael Rainey Jr.
Tariq From Power Michael Rainey Jr.

While Dre and Tariq are playing basketball, Kanan shows up, making Dre very uncomfortable.  Dre was once a heartless killer but now that he has a daughter he is trying to live an honest life.  Ghost has been helping Dre transform his life so Dre cares about Tariq.  Dre knows that is he disobeys Kanan, he won’t hesitate to kill him and/or his daughter.

If Ghost finds out about Kanan and Tariq, he will actually kill Kanan for the second time.  Season 3’s last two episodes air on September 18 (“I Call The Shots”) and September 25 (“In My Best Interest”).  Hopefully Tariq will be able to stay alive in those two episodes and appear on the show’s fourth season.