Top 10 Tide Pod Memes – How Did Eating Challenge Start?

Teens are eating Tide laundry pods as a part of the “Tide Pod Challenge.” Scroll down to see 10 hilarious Tide Pod memes.  Chemicals and highly concentrated detergent is used to make the pods so eating them is very dangerous.  Some people who take the challenge spit the pods out as soon as they taste the disgusting detergent while others use liquor as a chaser.

How did the Tide Pod Challenge Start?

The Tide Pod Challenge started because kids thought the product looked like candy.  They look like fruit snacks so the Internet decided to run with it.  A few people decided to share videos of themselves eating Tide Pods and the trend went viral.  This could be the most ridiculous challenge since the Blue Whale Challenge.  We need more positive social media trends like the Stay Alive Challenge.


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Tide Pod Meme


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Tide Pod Meme


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Tide Pod Meme
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Tide Pod Meme


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Tide Pod Meme


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Tide Pod Meme
Tide Pod Meme
Tide Pod Meme

Tide Pods removed from shelves?

According to rumors, Tide may remove Tide Pods from shelves.  YouTube is removing Tide Pod Challenge videos as teens continue to eat the dangerous product.  Poison control calls have spiked due to the trend.  The tweet below shows Tide will lose customers if they remove the pods from shelves.  The company should ignore their losses and make the right decision to help save lives.

Which Tide Pod meme do you think is the funniest? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.