What Does Ratio Mean on TikTok?

What Does Ratio Mean On TikTok?

TikTok Dictionary: Definitions of TikTok slang terms you need to know!

“Ratio” and “ratioed” has several different meanings on TikTok. Here’s a list of the most common meanings of “ratio” and “ratioed” on Tik Tok:

  1. If a user’s comment is “ratioed” on TikTok it means that the user’s comment has more replies than likes.
  2. If as user adds “Ratio me 1:1” it means that the user wants others to like their comment so their comment will receive as many likes as the number of likes the video has received.

The definitions above are the most common but “ratio” can also refer to a TikTok user’s followers:

As the tweet above explains, “ratio” could refer to a user’s followers to likes ratio or a user’s followers to comments ratio. The tweet below explains the definition of “ratio”:

Here’s a more detailed definition of “ratio”:

Don’t feel bad if you didn’t know what “ratio” meant on TikTok. As the tweet below reveals, there are other people that didn’t know what the term meant:

What Does “Ratio” Mean On Social Media?

TikTok isn’t the only place where the term “ratio” is used. In the tweet below, NBA player Myles Turner asks if someone could explain what “ratio” means on social media:

The following tweet presents yet another definition of the term ratio on social media. According to the tweet, if someone replies “ratio” to your social media post, it means that the person does not agree with your statement, basically challenging the validity of the statement. If the person’s reply receives more likes than the original post, the person’s ratio challenge was successful.

Do you need to know the definition of a different TikTok slang term? Let us know in the comment section below.